# This recipe will list the log file created by supervisor # and add the necessary attributes to have those monitored # by the local ossec-agent # cleanup, before recreation node["ossec"]["local_syslog_files"].each do |logfile, params| if logfile =~ /supervisor/ node["ossec"]["local_syslog_files"].delete(logfile) end end # each program run by supervisor has a set of logfiles node["supervisor"]["programs"].each do |program_name, config| total_procs = config["numprocs"] || 1 # each process of a program has its own log file 0.upto(total_procs.to_i - 1) do |numproc| logfile = "#{node["supervisor"]["log_path"]}/#{program_name}_#{numproc}_stdout.log" # add the stdout supervisor log file node.normal["ossec"]["local_syslog_files"][logfile] = { 'apply_to' => "fqdn:#{node['fqdn']}", 'log_format' => 'syslog', 'use_here' => 'true' } log("Ossec::Supervisor: Adding '#{logfile}' to monitored log files") logfile = "#{node["supervisor"]["log_path"]}/#{program_name}_#{numproc}_stderr.log" # add the stderr supervisor log file node.normal["ossec"]["local_syslog_files"][logfile] = { 'apply_to' => "fqdn:#{node['fqdn']}", 'log_format' => 'syslog', 'use_here' => 'true' } log("Ossec::Supervisor: Adding '#{logfile}' to monitored log files") end end