# Ossec Agent provisioning recipe # install the ossec-hids-client package, push the global # and role specific configuration for the node # get a key from the ossec-server if there's one if node['platform_family'] == "rhel" include_recipe "yum-atomic" elsif node['platform_family'] == "debian" include_recipe "apt-atomic" end class Chef::Recipe include OssecCore end # Run this recipe if the node is an agent. Since the ossec::agent recipe is # added to the base role, ossec-servers will run it as well, making this check # necessary if not node["ossec"]["agent"]["enable"] # return will exit this recipe # and continue the chef provisioning Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: agent is not enabled on this node") return true end # Search for the ossec server, and do nothing if there's none if Chef::Config[:solo] Chef::Log.warn('This recipe uses search. Chef Solo does not support search') else ossec_server = search(:node, "role:ossec-server " \ "AND chef_environment:#{node.chef_environment}" ).first if ossec_server.nil? Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: No ossec server available. Agent will not be provisionned") return true end # install the agent package package "ossec-hids-client" # define the agent parameters agent_hash = ossec_agent_create_parameters(node, ossec_server) # check for the agent configuration on the server. if the server has none, do # not continue the provisioning. If the server has a configuration for this # agent, store the parameters on the node and continue if ossec_verify_agent(agent_hash, ossec_server) node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]] = ossec_server["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]].to_hash else Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: this agent is unknown on the ossec server") return true end # Make sure that the server prepared a key for us unless ossec_agent_has_valid_key?(agent_hash, ossec_server) Chef::Log.info("OSSEC: Server doesn't have a valid key for agent.") return true end service "ossec-agent" do #provider Chef::Provider::Service::Init service_name node["ossec"]["client"]["service_name"] supports :start => true, :stop => true, :restart => true, :status => true action [ :start ] only_if "test -e /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf && test -e /var/ossec/etc/client.keys" end # Get the IP of the ossec server ossec_server_ip = ossec_server[:network][:lanip] || ossec_server.ipaddress # Expand the local flags from node attributes ossec_set_filtered_flags!("command", "active-response", "syslog_files") ossec_set_syscheck_flags!("ignore") template "/var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf" do source "ossec-agent.conf.erb" owner "ossec" group "ossec" variables("ossec_server_ip" => ossec_server_ip ) manage_symlink_source true notifies :restart, "service[ossec-agent]" end # If client.keys is modified, ask for a queue rid on the server template "/var/ossec/etc/client.keys" do mode 0440 owner "root" group "ossec" notifies :create, "ruby_block[set-rid-flag]" notifies :restart, "service[ossec-agent]" end # "set-rid-flag" is not run by default, but called when the agent's key # is modified (or created) ruby_block "set-rid-flag" do block do # if the server side rid flag is not set to "done", # request a queue rid by setting the agent side flag to "todo" if ossec_server["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["rid"].eql?("none") node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["rid"] = "todo" Chef::Log.info "Setting Queue Rid Flag on" end end action :nothing end # unset rid flag if necessary, check that at every run ruby_block "unset rid flag" do block do node.normal["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["rid"] = "none" Chef::Log.info "Setting Queue Rid Flag off" end notifies :restart, "service[ossec-agent]" only_if { node["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["rid"].eql?("todo") \ and ossec_server["ossec"]["agents"][agent_hash[:id]]["rid"].eql?("done") } end end