# # Cookbook Name:: freeipa # Recipe:: server # # Copyright 2011, afistfulofservers # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # include_recipe 'chef-vault' node.set[:freeipa][:server] = true # become aware of clients and servers freeipa_servers = search(:node, "freeipa_server:true") freeipa_clients = search(:node, "freeipa_client:true") # gather data bag secrets #secret = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load_secret("/home/psi-jack/.chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret") #passwords = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load("secrets", "passwords", secret) passwords = chef_vault_item(:freeipa, 'passwords') #ldap_server_admin_pwd = data_bag_item('secrets','ldap_server_admin_pwd')['value'] #kdc_database_master_key = data_bag_item('secrets','kdc_database_master_key')['value'] #ipa_user_pwd = data_bag_item('secrets','ipa_user_pwd')['value'] # packages #package "dbus" #package "oddjob" #package "ipa-client" #package "ipa-server" package "rsync" package 'ipa-server' do case node[:platform] when 'redhat', 'centos' package_name 'ipa-server' end action :install end ##### Security considerations # All FreeIPA server hosts need to be able to ssh to each other as root to copy replication configs # That kind of sucks, but what are the real consequences? # Since they are replicants of each other, this can be justified, since the data is already compromised. # Can selinux help mitigate this? #include_recipe "ohai" include_recipe "sshroot2rootssh" ##### Replication # We're going to have to # a) detect any new freeipa_servers # b) generate ipa-replica-prepare output for them # c) copy the configs to them ### Behavor # First node sets special attribute "master" # First node configures itself with newly generated crypto # Subsequent nodes comes up # Subsequent nodes try to to scp their fqdn's configuration from master # Subsequent nodes negotiate for master # negotiate for master freeipa_masters = search(:node, "freeipa_master:true") if freeipa_masters.empty? then node.set[:freeipa][:master] = true #end ##### Do master stuff #if node[:freeipa][:master] then # write better tests to see if freeipa is already set up. ## Bootstrap FreeIPA execute "initializing freeipa-server" do not_if "ls /var/lib/ipa/sysrestore/sysrestore.state" cmd = "ipa-server-install" cmd += " --hostname " + node[:fqdn] #cmd += " -u " + "ipaadmin" cmd += " -r " + node[:domain].upcase cmd += " -n " + node[:domain] cmd += " -p " + passwords['ldap_server_admin_pwd'] cmd += " -P " + passwords['kdc_database_master_key'] cmd += " -a " + passwords['ipa_user_pwd'] cmd += " -N " cmd += " -U " cmd += " --no-host-dns " command "#{cmd}" #notifies :start, "service[dirsrv]" end # Compare list of freeipa_servers with contents of /var/lib/ipa/ #configured_replicants =`ipa-replica-manage -p #{ldap_server_admin_pwd} -H #{node[:fqdn]} list`.split #configured_replicants = `ipa-replica-manage -p #{passwords['ldap_server_admin_pwd']} -H #{node[:fqdn]} list`.split #configured_replicants.each { |r| puts "DEBUG: configured_replicant: #{r}" } #freeipa_server_fqdns = Array.new #freeipa_servers.each { |n| freeipa_server_fqdns << n[:fqdn] } #freeipa_server_fqdns.compact! #freeipa_server_fqdns.each do |f| # unless node[:fqdn] == f then # unless configured_replicants.include?( f ) then # execute "generating replica config for #{f}" do # not_if "ls /var/lib/ipa/replica-info-#{f}.gpg" # command "ipa-replica-prepare -p #{passwords['ldap_server_admin_pwd']} #{f}" # end # end # end #end #end ### Subsequent nodes #unless node[:freeipa][:master] then else # check to see if slave is setup to replicat from master #"ipa-replica-manage -p 0123456789 -H authentication-1.dev.us-east-1.aws.afistfulofservers.net list" # Check for replication config # Attempt to copy config from master. # Fail gracefully if not found. execute "rsyncing freeipa replication data" do #only_if "ipa-replica-manage -p #{ldap_server_admin_pwd} -H #{freeipa_masters[0][:fqdn]} list | grep #{node[:fqdn]}" cmd = "rsync -a -e \"ssh " cmd += " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes" cmd += " -o PasswordAuthentication=no\"" cmd += " root@" cmd += "#{freeipa_masters[0][:fqdn]}:" cmd += "/var/lib/ipa/replica-info*" cmd += " /var/lib/ipa" command cmd ignore_failure true end execute "joining freeipa cluster" do not_if "ipa-replica-manage -p #{passwords['ldap_server_admin_pwd']} -H #{freeipa_masters[0][:fqdn]} list | grep #{node[:fqdn]}" only_if "ls /var/lib/ipa/replica-info-#{node[:fqdn]}.gpg" cmd = "ipa-replica-install" cmd += " -p " + passwords['ldap_server_admin_pwd'] cmd +=" /var/lib/ipa/replica-info-#{node[:fqdn]}.gpg" command cmd end # copy CA private key # /etc/dirsrv/slapd-DEV-US-EAST-1-AWS-AFISTFULOFSERVERS-NET/pwdfile.txt execute "copying CA private key" do only_if "ipa-replica-manage -p #{passwords['ldap_server_admin_pwd']} -H #{freeipa_masters[0][:fqdn]} list | grep #{node[:fqdn]}" only_if "ls /etc/dirsrv/slapd-#{node[:domain].upcase}/" not_if "ls /etc/dirsrv/slapd-#{node[:domain].upcase}/cacert.p12" cmd = "rsync -a -e \"ssh " cmd += " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes" cmd += " -o PasswordAuthentication=no\"" cmd += " root@" cmd += "#{freeipa_masters[0][:fqdn]}:" cmd += "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-#{node[:domain].upcase}/cacert.p12" cmd += " /etc/dirsrv/slapd-#{node[:domain].upcase}/" #puts "DEBUG: #{cmd}" command cmd ignore_failure true end end template '/etc/ipa/admin.password' do source 'admin.password.erb' user 'root' group 'root' mode '0600' variables ( password => passwords['ipa_user_pwd'] ) end ##### services # enable all the default services recommended by the freeipa docs #service "dirsrv" do # action [:enable,:start] #end #service "krb5kdc" do # only_if service[:dirsrv] => running # action [:enable,:start] #end #template "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa.conf" do # source "ipa.conf.erb" # mode 0644 # notifies :restart, "service[httpd]" #end #service "httpd" do # action [:enable,:start] #end #service "ipa_kpasswd" do # action [:enable,:start] #end #service "ipa" do # action [:enable,:start] #end # #service "messagebus" do # action [:enable,:start] #end # #service "oddjobd" do # action [:enable,:start] #end